Oprah Takes Employees on Mediterranean Cruise

We all know Oprah Winfrey has deep pockets. Here’s an example of how deep those pockets are. As we speak, Oprah, 1700 of her employees, and their families are on a Mediterranean cruise sponsored by Ms. Winfrey costing an estimated $5400 per person. During their trip they will travel to Spain, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Malta. Must be nice!


Filed under Phenomenal Women, Travel

2 responses to “Oprah Takes Employees on Mediterranean Cruise

  1. Oprah –
    There she goes again – generous beyond compare!
    Think of all the non-profit organizations she has helped along the way, giving for the good of the
    earth. And we probably only know half of it!

    • khadijah bermiss

      I’m on the cruise right now. I am on the entertainment crew. It is awesome. God has blessed her with wealth and she is using it to bless others.

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